What will you include in a "getting started" module?

  • Due No due date
  • Points 1
  • Questions 2
  • Time Limit None



The "getting started" module is an important element in any online learning course space. 

Think about when your students walk into your face to face classroom on the first day of class.  What do you do on that first day of class?

-Introduce yourself?

-Talk about the course?

-Have students introduce themselves?

-Review the course syllabus?

-Touch upon major assignments and requirements?

-Discuss grading policies, late work, and what it takes to be successful in the class? 

-Review attendance and engagement expectations? 

An online or hybrid course should follow this same model through the use of a "getting started" module. The purpose of this module is to orient the students to you, the course, and each other. 

Each instructor's course will look a little different. The "getting started" module is the place to describe your particular design and delivery plan. An synchronous course may need to set expectations around web conferencing and review how to use the supporting asynchronous course space.  What you will include will be personal and highly specific to your particular program content and delivery choices. 


In the following graded survey, describe what you believe you need to include in your "getting started" area. 

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